Director: Catherine E. Carr
Forbes Lecturer: Susan McConnell
Name | Project Title | Institution | City | |
Jennifer Bestman | Visualizing dendritic mRNA tranlsation in vivo: links to neuronal structural plasticity | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Williamsburg | |
Gwyneth Card | A model for decision-making in the flight initiation system of Drosophila | HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus | New York | |
Boris Chagnaud | Ontogeny of vocal motor function in toadfishes | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen | D-82152 Panegg-Martinsried | |
Joaquin Lugo, Jr. | The effect of transient early-life seizures on the behavior, anatomy, and function of the developing zebrafish brain | Baylor University | Waco | |
T. Aran Mooney | Examination of the auditory sensitivity of the squid (Loligo pealeii) | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | Woods Hole | |
Keram Pfeiffer | Behavioral and neuronal mechanisms underlying sky compass navigation in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) | University of Magdeburg | Würzburg | |
Stefano Tiozzo | Neurogenesis and neural regeneration in the basal chordate Botrylius schlosseri | Observatoire de Villefranche sur Mer | ||
Katrin Vonderschen | Novelty detection in midbrain neurons of pulse type electric fish | RWTH Aachen University | Aachen | |
Qi Zhang | Super-resolution tracking of single synaptic vesicles with quantum dots | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Nashville |