Fellowship Timeline

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December 1, 2023: Application deadline for summer 2024 Grass Fellowship

Mid-January: Trustee meeting to select Grass Fellows

End of January: Fellows will be informed of decision

End of February: Animal protocols due for review with the director and associate director

Memorial Day (Last Monday of May): Beginning of the Grass Fellowship program
(Specific Grass Fellowship Program dates by year 2024-2027 are below)

Mid-July: Trustee visit to the Grass Laboratory, Forbes Lecturer

Saturday of Labor Day weekend (or 14 weeks after Memorial Day): end of Grass Fellowship Program

October 1: Reports from fellows due.

Grass Fellowship Program Dates
14 week program by year Begins Memorial Day Monday and ends the Saturday prior to Labor Day*

2024  Monday, May 27 through Saturday, August 31

Weeks beginning Monday:
5/27; 6/3; 6/10; 6/17; 6/24; 7/1; 7/8; 7/15; 7/22; 7/29; 8/5; 8/12; 8/19; 8/26 (Labor Day, Monday 9/2)

2025  Monday, May 26 through Saturday, August 30

Weeks beginning Monday:
5/26; 6/2; 6/9; 6/16; 6/23; 6/30; 7/7; 7/14; 7/21; 7/28; 8/4; 8/11; 8/18; 8/24 (Labor Day, Monday, 9/1)

2026*  Monday, May 25 through Saturday, August 29*

Weeks beginning Monday:
5/25; 6/1; 6/8; 6/15; 6/22; 6/29; 7/6; 7/13; 7/20; 7/27; 8/3; 8/10; 8/17; 8/24 (Labor Day, Monday, 9/7)

2027  Monday, May 31 through Saturday, August 30

Weeks beginning Monday:
5/31; 6/7; 6/14; 6/21; 6/28; 7/5; 7/12; 7/19; 7/26; 8/2; 8/9; 8/16; 8/23, 8/30 (Labor Day, Monday, 9/6)

*Grass Fellowship Program finishes the Saturday before Labor Day except in 2026.