As of January 1, 2018 the Grass Foundation has a new President! Catherine Carr takes over the position from Felix Schweizer who will be helping Carr with the transition. You can read more details here: presidents-welcome
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4th of July Parade
The traditional 4th of July parade in Woods Hole was an amazing success with the Grass Fellows hosting a squid and nautilus.
New Dirs for 2019
Starting in 2019, Mellisa Coleman will serve as Director of the Grass Laboratory and Christophe Dupre will serve as Associate Director. Melissa is Professor at Claremont McKenna College, was a Grass Fellow in 1996 and has served as a Trustee of the Foundation since 2016. She will follow in the footsteps of Dr. Kamran Khodakhah […]
Ricardo Miledi
On December 18, 2017 we lost Ricardo Miledi, a dear friend of the Grass Foundation, an outstanding researcher and scholar , a wonderful human being, a fantastic mentor. He will be dearly missed! To cite FALAN: “… un maestro de las neurociencias, un latinoamericano que supo conquistar un lugar renombrado entre sus pares. Un maestro […]